Friday, December 22, 2023

Pro-bono Christmas Report Card Centered about Imperial Insurance of California by Keith Buster Torkelson MS


Feature Image

Title = “Human Autotroph”

(For the United States Department of Agriculture and Dr. Schwabe)

Detective that is the Right Question (I-Robot)

Pro-bono Christmas Report Card Centered about Imperial Insurance of California by Keith Buster Torkelson MS

Auto Link

2023 Pro-Bono Christmas Card Report


Minnesota Turkey Growers (2023)

20231214-TH: Wrapping up the Marvel – SNG – Personal Psychosis Crisis


Why do it Pro-Bono?

It would appear that SSDI will cover the cost of this our annual Christmas Report Card.  CMS gets an honorable mention. 


Proposed Distribution

Like we said in the past we would share in part or as a whole with many of the persons addressed in our Annual Christmas Report Card.  For this upcoming term we will release this report in a whole form first via one of MSGs’ Blogs and share once per month for the next twelve (12) months in 2024 around the full moon as Peter Gabriel did with his I / O compilation.


Catharsis & Epiphone


20231222-F-Devin Velázquez Steve for Chess (MIA)

Velázquez, also Velazquez, Velásquez or Velasquez (/vəˈlæskɛz/, /-ˈlæz-/), is a surname from Spain. It is a patronymic name, meaning "son of Velasco".


OC Links

Dedicated Housing Help Line

Homeless Migration LA > OC




Performance Earned Value

The Save is up to Veronica Kelley, Annette, Flor, Michelle, and

Executive Summary

We are pleased to announce that this year’s Christmas Report Card focusing on the Doctors.  The focal insurance partner is Imperial Health Plan of California.  As of 2023 Imperial replaces Universal Care Brand New Day as our Principle, Keith Torkelsons, health insurer.  In 2022 when Brand New Days Plan H0838 was removed from the market they had earned approximately 3.5 CMS Stars for their Overall score. Wheras, Imperial Health Plan of California for 2023 earned 2.5.  During Buster’s shopping around for a plan to replace Univeral Care Brand New Day he found it difficult to keep his current and relatively long-term doctor Rimal B Bera MD.  He would have chosen SCAN over Imperial if they contracted with doctor RBB.  CMS reported that Imperial was one of the most challenged plans that they oversee in the United States.  We have just been trying to help Imperial not lose our Health Plan as did Brand New Day did at the end of 2022.

Time Spent about Intelligence

Our records indicate that in 2016 we began to formally develop Keith Torkelson’s Health Related Engagement Concept (HRE).  Basically, our HRE addresses time spent in and around getting Buster the Healthcare Services necessary to improve his health.  Below is a table with some HRE related Measures (Metrics).


Version for Imperial Driven Christmas Report Card

Health Related Engagements (HRE)

For Prosumer Keith “Buster” Torkelson MS (2022 & 2023)

“MHSA: The Good Fight”

Individuals and Groups

Combined in private healthcare and public healthcare Torkelson transacts with more than twenty-five (25) annually in the community.  Here at Mentalation Solution’s Group (MSG} our external Quality Review systems have grown huge.  So now on the cusp of 2023 / 2024 we sample our reports for priority reports.



For 2023 Imperial contracted with a benefits bundle called OTC Nations.  The full package includes: Rewards monies, and Over-the-counter allowance, and grocery. During 2022 BND had added a grocery allowance.  A Torkelson lives with applied for Cal Fresh and is awarded over $100 per month.  Keith applied through the Social Services Agency (SSA) process.  He was hoping for $50 per month.  His SSA worker delivered $21 per month.  Keith is now relatively Buster.  Buster is very grateful for his $21 per month.  On and off he uses to buy a steak and dozen eggs.  With this money Buster ate a bit healthier. 


Cast of Characters – Persons of Interest (Including Feature Images)

Unfortunately this year we cannot feature images of all in Buster’s Health Care Networks (HCNs).  Buster basically has three (3) HCNs: Imperial-centered, Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA), and his Natural Supports including family and those providing for his living arrangements.


Brand New Day Lingerers - Critical

Before 2012 Buster was aware of BND because some of the people his lived with a Rent a Shared Room environment had BND as their “Program”.  During 2012 Buster ended up with BND.  His first: Worker, Helper, Care Coordinator, Life Coach, etc. Was Oswaldo Escalante.  Oswaldo went the distance for Buster and in doing so set a Worker Standard..  The issue is when BND folded Buster’s insurance and the associated program is Buster thought he would not have to see the under-performing Helpers anymore.  Imperial retains contract with Central City Community Health Center (CCCHC).  And CCCHC decided to give the under-performing Helpers a job.  So basically they hired the people who contributed to BND’s failure.


Central City Community Health Center (CCCHC)

Here we focus on clinic (CCCHC) centered clerical and clinical.  Buster has been with CCCHC since 2012 and about many incarnations.  For 2023 we offer people he deals with 5.0 Stars.  This includes those that participate in The client Clozapine Registry monthly Complete Blood Count (CBC) process.  The client wasn’t really happy when CCCHC decided to swap out Quest Diagnostics for Labcorp.  It took considerable effort on our part to get Labcorp to bill correctly.

Dental – In Network

Dental is a global problem so the issue with have with Imperial is not just centered around them.  Our standard for superior dental is Universal Care Dental.  After BND disengaged Universal Dental they went with Liberty and Delta Dental. Currently, Imperial contracts with Liberty for its’ dental plan.  Liberty is not a plan synergistic with the dental needs of older adults.  They cover things that a child or adolescent would need such as cleaning and fillings.  Older adults need services such as: Extractions, implants, dentures and the like.  So basically, older adults have to suffer pain because they cannot afford services not covered or those that have extensive co-pays.  Basically we score The client dental a needing substantial improvement.  If we could we would get a picture of Patrick’s mess of a mouth.


Dentist out of Network [STAYED]

Psychiatry Evaluation

Since The client was first prescribed a psychotropic back 1989 he has retained just over 17 psychiatrists.  His best were Dr. David Dobos and some of the low performers are: Dr. David Chandler, Daniels [?], De Silva, Himasiri K. and Vu, Alan.  Currently The client is served by Dr. Rimal B Bera.  After more than a year into their partnership we here at MSG give RBB a PASS.  One merit for RBB is that he has stepped up his triage using medical students.



A key player in The client’s new health insurance, Imperial Health Plan of California, is Dr. Bindra.  The client receives many documents in the mail signed by Dr. Bindra.  So when we received the first of 3 Medicare Experience Surveys: First was paper version, second was internet version and the third was another paper version.  With Brand New Day Buster is the client. Was assigned a Single Point Contact (SPC).  He would share BND mandated assessment result with her.  She demonstrated that she valued Buster as a concerned individual.  In 2023 Buster gave Dr. Bindra a chance to touch bases as he did back in 2014 with “Sincerely, Constance J. Snyder”.  There was no reply while he stills receives mail from Dr. Bindra indicating he cares about his accounts


Constance J. Snyder – Compliance Officer

Letter Dated: July 2, 2014



Figure – Taken from Linkedin (2023)


In General with Brand New Day Buster did not have claims sent to him that indicated he owed anything.  It was assumed that any copay was billed up front before his approved appointment.  Most everything, claim wise for 2023 went rather well with the exception of Labcorp.  They could not get in their system the correct billing route.  He has one outstanding claim that they say sit on until we sort it out.  He also has a Dermatology claim we were working as an Imperial issue that turns out to be from 2022 and 2021 on BND’s watch.



What can you say any Reward is a good thing?  BND had a Reward program.  And due to Buster’s effort they added a $10 annual reward for Health Risk Assessment (HRAs) that are filled out by the consumer.  Imperial has a substantial Reward for the consumer executing fully an Annual Wellness Visit.  Dr. Gandhi (PCP) mediated Buster’s AWV.  As Buster’s and Dr. Gandhi’s parting were coming to a close Dr. Gandhi comes into the exam room all excited because Buster was due reward Money.  Buster was un-affected: Saying to himself: I have to see it first. It took some odd half dozen phone calls and over five (5) months before the AWV monies were deposited in Buster’s Nations Debit Card Account.


Gifts & Benefits

Unfortunately after working with Nations for the better part of 2023, Imperial has decided to break the OTC contract.  So many of his efforts to entrain Nations will be lost starting 2024.  This is a good time to push for Imperial to add the grocery benefit.  With a better grocery benefit Buster could eat healthier like Quesadillas for the house..


Focus on Strengths

Buster discovered strengths based assessment back in college.  Exam and the like by default evaluated for the students strength.  In general they are objective measures of competencies.  Then he ran into assessment and measures about deficits such as his Anxiety Disorder.  Then around 2009 he runs into strengths assessment centered about Behavioral Health.  Now he routinely evaluates both his strengths and deficits.  Yet, one thing has become clear measurement, assessment, and evaluation are likely.  People need to step up their self-reporting including determining Performance Earned Values (PEVs), portable Assessment Values, Net Profile Efficiency, and Wellness Profile.


Newsletter – Digital Presence

Buster used to publish MSG’s routine Accountability MHSA Innovations Newsletter (AMIN).  He know quite a bit about good and great Newsletters.  One thing he has developed is using real people in Newsletters.  The OCHCA publishes online a monthly newsletter: What’s Up!.  What’s Up! Always features real people.

Newsletter Quality / Value

SE = Star Equivalent

Last Reviewed: 20231129-W-Close year for CRC


UATR=Unable Able to Rate

Fear of being dropped

Buster being treated for a full spectrum of Anxiety often feels being dropped for sharing his truth.  Yet overall in the last ten (10) or so years it would be hard to find evidence that his “Yellow Journalism” has harmed him and his.


Lab & Pharmacy

We group lab and pharmacy together because both are instrumental in keeping his primary medication, Clozapine, steaming.  Buster’s 28-day Clozapine cycle begins with the doctor prescribing both a CBC (labwork) and the prescription itself, the clinics communicates with the pharmacy of Buster’s choosing: Gilbert Drugs.  Gilbert reviews the CBC results for any signs of Agranulocytopenia (actually neutropenia).  If the lab is in the proper timeframe (28-day cycle) and there is no sign of neutropenia (can be life threatening) then Buster’s pharmacy delivers his monthly supply to Buster’s door.  Since 2012 when Buster began retaining Gilbert Drug’s their service has been stellar.  Buster and his 5.0 Star Pharm Guy, “Nick”, have been able to keep delivering on Buster’s Clozapine with a single gap :0)


Select Records

Referrals & Approvals

Basically the whole process of referral and approval has been driven by Buster.  The retained BND Helpers were of no help.  When Buster asks for help there is a potential crisis emerging.  When he asked the CCCHC retained BND helpers for help they did not deliver.  He knew he needed his Ophthalmologist, Dermatologist and Dentist. And in early 2023 he finds himself back to square one updating the PCP on situational awareness. After the necessary referrals he had to push forward the approvals.  As of November and dozens of phone calls he is ready to entertain that his services and supports for 2024 are in place. Remember though he still has a claim with Labcorp outstanding and he is facing the change in Imperial Rewards / OTC contractor.  In sum as has been he is more his care coordinator than his Imperial


Care Coordination

Going back the Health Related Engagement Concept (HRE-C) the majority of coordination was performed by Buster and his Team MSG.  For this term Team MSG was: Avey C Asus, Magnus EMe, Lled Buzzard (Developmental Disabled – A Bit Slow), KGT-A, LIV Vivo, Lys AAG and Sarah.



Considers some Innovative Thinking

(STS LXE 20-Item)


ADL – Mainstream Assessment

GSM = Granular Scoring Methods

Buster Scores Buster – Self-Assessment

How is it Lived Experience?

Daily Activities that Promote Health

Part 1 of 2 – Heavy Hitting Items

Buster scores Buster

ADLs Derived Based on Lived Experience

Daily Activities that Promote

Part 2 of 2 – Mainstream Items

Buster Scores Buster

DORMIR – Sleep Science – The Big Sleep


People of Interest – Christmas Report Card

Remembering Those That Killed Themselves (KIA)

KIAs with no Mention of MIAs

Mortality Entertaining a Degree of Urgency

Death Report

Certification of Vital Record (Pending)


Things for Older Adults

Buster’s Retirement Date = December 22, 2023 (F)


Theme – Satisfaction as an Older Adult

Apply CEGU Probation to OAs

Concentration - DOMs = Dying Old Men

Sampling of Methods

Resistance to Dying Old Man Syndrome (DOM-S)

Prior studies and shares with Brand New Day


Web Related – Online Accounts

Back in 2009 Buster signed on with the OCHCA as a Technology Advisor.  To get up to speed he investigated was the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health (LADMH).  He even talked on the telephone with the Director at the time  He gained insight into but not limited to: Electronic Health Record (Hardware and Software), the RFP process, Personal Health Records, Patient Portals, Personal computing for consumers and family members, budgeting, etc (Kathleen Murray).  We want to focus on on-line accounts and patient portals.  Every time providers such as Imperial make changes on web-based content as a new lab we have to go through the process of creating a new account.  Now that we have a new Rewards intermediary we have to get another portal.  We have somewhere around a dozen health portal accounts.

CMS Perspective

Since 2012 we have been working on and off with CMS Medicare.  CMS is the entity that Medicare the Star Score System (SSS).  It is very complicated and can actually exhaust a contractor.  Oodles of people work delivering their concise Stars Report to their charges the Medicare approved Health Plan Insurers of America (HPIA).  Now is a good time to address disability even though Buster will turn 65 in 2023. He kept trying to get up and work full-time or as a small business owner.  And then bam a bout of Anxiety would fall and into the hospital we go.  In one “Episode” they semi-committed to a 2 year stay in semi-lockdown while his life on the outside including his most significant other ever (MSOE) was decaying. But is he not giving up on himself he has a project in the works to remedy Housing issues with the OCHCA and another to pitch to Yakult.  Yakult saying: We are “the world’s leading probiotic beverage created in Japan in 1935”… By chance they have a local in Orange County.  And that’s all she wrote (Avey, 2023)



Further Studies Centered about Imperial Health Plan

Approach = Prevention and Early Intervention


Stigma & Discrimination Reduction

Student Mental Health

Suicide Prevention

Cast of Characters

Orange County Ophthalmology (Dr. Taban)

While sitting in the exam chair Buster observed a list next to the telephone that included most all of Taban’s Ophthalmology staff.  We feel that other than having functional value it is an indicator of transparency and being Proud of Their People.  The Orange County Health Care Agency also highlights their people in their monthly What’s Up Newsletter.  With disclosures on pare with OCO and OCHCA like this we here at MSG know who and how to complement and praise our Health Care Workers (HCWs).  We find that active and passive anonymity “suck”.


Example of Transparency at Ophthalmology Office Circa

CRC = Christmas Report Card


“Get on with who you are (PBG-2023)”

Let it fly > Animal Magic


Elemental & Resource Breakdown

A Resource Leveling Approach

Back in 2014 Buster became aware of the Professional Quality of Life or PROQOL.  In no time he began to apply it to him and his.  With the PROQOL results on his Primary Care Physician, Chester D Mojica, he predicted that Dr. Mojica was in Professional Burnout Mode (PBM).  He also asked one of his Primary Natural Supports (PNSs) if she was Burned Out.  She replied “No”.  And now some ten years later it would appear that she was right.  Yet, still Buster determines he needs to level his resources and not become too dependent on a single person, group, thing, etc.

Dependency Status

Buster Rates Buster

Yields a Dependency Indicative Score

High score could be problematic

Last Reviewed: 20231219-TU


Honorable Mention

DSM Method Failed – Still too many Behavioral Health Consumers underserved and inappropriately served (Steinberg Programming Language – MHSA).


Salvo BB45 > Mark Refowitz Converge Principle


Cast Of Characters


Sharing (Excerpts and Briefs)


Professionals, Administrators, and Leaders

May have extra Credential

In and Out of Network

Last Reviewed: 20231222-F

Q*M = Quick Star Method


Non-MD helpers go by many names: Nurse, Therapist, Care Coordinator, Brokers, Landlords, Committee Members, Treatment Planner, Life Coach…

Focus about defunct local program and insurer Brand New Day

In non-profits the Best Help move up or onward

For Gary Zager (Cypress College & Janet Randall (CSUF)

SCR_BND_14091007_List-Log ALI V2023


(?) – Not available online

Specialists – Primarily In Network

MD and Medical Doctor Related Resources

Share with Dr. Richard Hoang – D.D.S., UCLA :0)

Q*M = Quick Stars Method score December 14, 2023 RT and Retro

Cast of Characters Lister Lista

(*) Out of Network - Control Psychiatrist

(**) Out of Network - Solution for crumby coverage with Liberty Dental under Liberty


20231221-W-Sikh & Ravinder P Glitch

For Spiritual Support

Plan to return for a cup of coffee

Rate Your Series

Cast by Modality or Procedure

Date of Encounter: 20181010-W @ 130 per Jocelyn


A Resource Leveling Approach

Last Reviewed: 20231222-F


Lesson Learned

Be patient while things develop with Michelle Smith, JMB, JET, ASK, QLK, Steph, Etc.  We have maintained a high degree of level one Binary Scoring.  In general, higher scores are favorable.

Images @ the End - None


In Memory

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Medication problems with Brand New Day by Keith Torkelson MS – CloZAPine Maintenance

Feature Image

Drug Plan pays nothing towards consumer’s monthly CloZAPine

Simple Solution – Resume Medication Delivery Every 28 Days

Briefer than the Brief

The “Insurance” needs to tell the pharmacy, Gilbert Drug, that they are re-approved to deliver the “Consumer’s” Medically Necessary medication CloZAPine which is the generic for Clozaril.  This medication was approved for delivery every twenty-eight (28) days.  The “Insurance” had it right for over nine (9) years.  In 2022 the pharmacy indicated that the “Insurance” is interfering.

Second Feature Image

Brand New Day Desolation

Now - They have added 1 chair

Was before the COVID Sickness
We had tables on which to work our treatment plans and eat


Notable Comment – Fall out of eliminating unnecessary services and supports

Before the COVID sickness we had a friend that relied on Brand New Day BND) and its clubhouse to keep on top of his systems.  In 2020 BND pretty much dropped their clubhouse and member in-person supports.  Our friend would be considered young.  Without the program helping him with self care and support he gradually deteriorated.  About one month ago he lost the bed that served him well for quite a few years.  He is in poor condition and needs that help that BND used to be known for.  For now we will identify him as NRP.

Brand New Day’s form asks for these items in this order
 Brand New Day Complaint Criteria
“Please tell us about your complaint”

BND Complaint Criteria – Additional Information
Complaint Selections – Appendices

[Link to this full report]
Brand New Day HMO

About the Complaint - Narrative Text

20220616-TH @ 945am

New and Improved Medication GAP(s)

Basically the consumer Keith “Buster” Torkelson’s health insurance changed a routine that has been working and effective since 2012.  The change has created and will continue to create GAPs in his most important medication CloZAPine (generic for Clozaril).  We request that you connect with the offending party to go back to letting the pharmacy fill and deliver his CloZAPine every 28 - Days.  Ever since 2012 the Consumer along with his medication partners have for the most part achieved good orderly progress with his CloZAPine (generic for Clozaril) Management.  In this paper we demonstrate the nature of said GAPs.

Bright Health Complication (Vindicated)

Keith the Consumer is served by Brand New Day (BND) as his health insurance provider.  Recently it would appear his account with BND was sold to another agency doing business as Bright Health.  On the cusp of May-June 2022 Keith faced his first insurance generated CloZAPine GAP.  The first GAP lasted for three nights.  During this time he relied on his CloZAPine “For” Emergency Purposes Only (FEPO). 

Routine 28-day CloZAPine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC)

In this study the consumer is Keith “Buster” Torkelson MS.  On the cusp of May-June 2022 the pharmacy, Gilbert Drugs, was told by “the insurance” to hold with filling of the consumer’s CloZAPine for a few days.  It is within Keith’s power to reduce his nightly CloZAPine down from 200mgs per night to 175mgs.  Some say it is better to have something each night rather than nothing.  Slight reduction for a few days per month will permit him to maintain continuity while we work things out.  For the purposes of this paper “We” are Mentalation Solutions Group or MSG.  In keeping with our tried and tested routine that we call the 28-day CloZAPine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC) Buster’s psychiatrist prescribes 30-days’ worth each time.  Buster’s psychiatrist has been adhering to his regimen ever since Buster linked with him back in 2018.  With the 28DCMC Buster had enough to cover all months including those 31 days. 

Brand New Day Not Demonstrating Resilience Since COVID – GAP is Sustained

His insurance again indicates to the pharmacy that they will withhold his CloZAPine at the cusp of June-July.  We have no information in writing of who is accountable for disassembling the 28DCMC.  Keith will again face a GAP in his essential and medically necessary nightly before bed medication: CloZAPine generic for Clozaril.  We would normally submit an appeal to BND yet we already have two outstanding concerns (complaints) with them.  Much of business as usual before the COVID Sickness has not been revived. One complaint addresses an outstanding Reward that BND promised for his Annual Wellness Visit (AWV).  If BND is not going to keep their promises they should inform their consumers in writing. The other broken promise is that BND’s Healthy Food Benefit has not been deposited since January of 2022.  We hope to have this issue resolved before the next GAP at the beginning of July 2022.  See what you can do – Thank you for your time and consideration.  Avey C Asus for Keith “Buster” Torkelson MS.

20220604-SAT: Greetings,

Note to …Error Reporting…

We solicited for help the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP).  This part of what we said via MERPs website. 

“We have a potential medication error on hand that we would like you to be aware of.  Keith Torkelson, MS is a consumer receiving services from Brand New Day HMO.  Rather recently Keith’s account has been picked up by Bright Health Group.  With Brand New Day since 2012: Keith has never had a sustained medication GAP with respect to his nightly medically necessary CloZAPine.  We would like you to help return to the way it was from 2012-2017 (Dr. Lee) and 2018-2021 (Dr. Bera).  The way it was is that 30 days’ supply is delivered roughly every 28 - days.  Among several reasons the 28-Day routine provided for a prudent reserve of this essential medication CloZAPine.”

Perfect Attendance Based on Time Tested Routines

Keith “Buster” Torkelson’s doctors have agreed to sustain what we call the twenty-eight (28) day cycle more formally the 28-Day CloZAPine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC).  CloZAPine requires monthly lab testing after the consumer graduates from the titration stage to the maintenance stage. Lab work performed every 4 weeks or 28-Days permits Keith to have his monthly blood draw on the same day of the week.  This has worked out nicely for Buster  as indicated by the fact that he has never missed a scheduled blood draw (CBC) since 2012.  We coordinate by aligning the monthly blood draw with receiving Keith’s monthly prescriptions of CloZAPine.  Prescriptions filled every 28-Days makes common sense. Keith DBA as Buster’s psychiatrist writes the prescription for 30 day supply. 

About the Complaint

20220719-TU: Complaint Brief – New and Improved Inappropriate Service

This appeal or complaint regards the following with regards to Brand New Day (BND).  BND’s new and improved drug plan is failing to serve.  BND is failing about the prescription CloZAPine.  So far since their improvement the plan refuses to serve the consumer appropriately.  In the process of serving inappropriately BND has generated a medication GAP.  Next month at the beginning of August 2022 we expect a two (2) day GAP in Keith’s CloZAPine.  Before we submit this we are going to call National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP to see where we stand from their angle.

BND Complaint Criteria – Share times, people, and places

28-Day CloZAPine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC) – No Head’s Up!

We didn’t find out that we were facing an insurance generated issue with the consumer’s routine medication until May 31, 2022 (TU).  Before this day we received no correspondence from the insurer to expect any changes.  Therefore we don’t know who within our consumers insurance pushed through said change.  The change resulted in Medication GAP. We designate May 31, 2022 (TU) as the date this medication error began.  May 31, 2022 is the day that the consumer’s pharmacy said they could not deliver the CloZAPine as they had since 2012.

Break in CloZAPine Pattern – Interrupted (STR)
Issue Begins Roughly May 31, 2022 (TU)

BND Complaint Criteria – Share times, people, and places

28-Day CloZAPine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC) – Pattern Senselessly Interrupted

Just before we send and or publish this report (complaint) we are going to look online for anything about prescribing CloZAPine in a good orderly fashion.  At this point we have to assume the consumer’s health insurer Brand New Day doesn’t understand the 28DCMC.  Our study is driven by the fact that: Brand New Day (BND) mediated the current interruption with the consumer’s most important medication CloZAPine.  This interruption generated a Medication GAP.  If not corrected there with be more GAPs in the consumer’s Medication down the line.  The CloZAPine pattern of delivery (dispensing) every 28 Days has served all involved well since the consumer signed on with BND in 2012.

Break in CloZAPine Pattern – Interrupted (STR)
Research – Motive and Effort

MSGBase > Metadata

Even though we have entertained the 28-Day Clozapine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC) since 2007 the concept only appears formally in our records on March 4, 2017.  The motive for our efforts here is that we have yet to find anything along the lines of the 28DCMC in research.  We think we have something promising to share.  Whenever you look online about information on CloZAPine you more often than not find something new.  In addition the material is continuously evolving.  Here are two concepts we came across with this episode of research.  Years ago Keith “Buster” Torkelson discussed the benefits of moving CloZAPine related CBCs to every other month from every month.  It is nice to find that others are interested it the savings that fewer CBC would bring.

Can a 90 day supply of clozapine be dispensed?

“In a recent international consensus statement, recommendations were made to consider a reduced hematologic monitoring frequency of every 3 months with the dispensing of a 90 day clozapine supply (if safe).” May 14, 2020

Can you dispense 30 days of clozapine?
“Dispensing clozapine”

“If an RDA is rejected there will be an option to request a Dispense Rationale through the website or contact center. To obtain a Dispense Rationale, the pharmacist must have an ANC [Part of a CBC] that was obtained in the last 30 days within the acceptable range.” Nov 15, 2021

In Practice Dispense Within 15-Days

The paragraph above most likely applies to a different county.  In practice our pharmacy Gilbert Drugs prefers the CBC testing to be within 15-Days of dispensing our monthly CloZAPine. 

Issue Began Roughly May 31, 2022 (TU)

(*) See Calendar Graphic Organizer
Concentrate about July 4, 2022 the GAP Day

Aside - Define Impinge
Impinge might be defined as having an effect or impact, especially a negative one.

Brand New Day Criteria - Dates and times (Part of Chronology)
Quantity 60 = 30 day supply per month as prescribed by Dr. Rimal B Bera
Demonstrates 1-Day CloZAPine GAP (July 4, 2022)

Figure – Marked Up Calendar - Calendar GO

Brand New Day seems to be the agency initiating the change with established and normative CloZAPine coordination processes.


28-Day CloZAPine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC)
With held in favor of keeping simple for the time being.
Further development needed before we share the 28DCMC notion online.



These CloZAPine GAP issues are centered about the consumer’s insurer for health care Brand New Day HMO - H0838.  Recently it appears that BND sold Buster’s account to Bright Health - H4853.  Yet, BND Member Services indicate that BND still manages the Medicare accounts.  The consumer Keith “Buster” Torkelson is a Medicare account.  Here we discuss a bit about coordination and coordinated care in health care.  Some of the tools used in coordinated care are: Phone calls, letters, emails, treatment planning, invoices, patient portals, electronic health records, Zoom virtual meetings, and face-to-face meetings.  As time progressed since 2012 the consumer has been asked by BND to coordinate more and more of their care.

Associated Items
Matrix - Appendix – Additional Information
Coordination in Context of the 28DCMC

Appendix - Additional Information

GAP Demonstration using Photographs

Below we include some photos that are in context for our request to resume the 28-Day CloZAPine Maintenance Cycle (28DCMC).  The photos below demonstrate the new and emerging CloZAPine GAPs.  We call pill bottle evidence.  The prescribing doctor is Rimal B Bera MD.  He has performed business as usual this year 2022.  He will be brought into the discussion at the consumers next September 14, 2022 Medication Management Appointment (MMA).  In reaction to the GAP we considered making an emergency appointment with Dr. Bera.  Since 2012 the consumer has never had to make an emergency appointment with his Brand New Day associated Behavioral Health Doctor (BHD).  Gilbert Drugs has been the consumer’s pharmacy since 2012.  They eagerly wait for the return of the 28DCMC. 

CloZAPine dates Filled by Gilbert Drugs

CloZAPine 05/03/2022 & CloZAPine 06/03/2022 & CloZAPine 07/05/2022


Appendix - Additional Information - Coordination

Asking for Help – NCC MERP Method
The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP)
Associated with:


Brand New Day’s Methods

Over the years since 2012 we have corresponded with Brand New Day (BND) regarding various Quality of Care (QOC) issues.  These included complaints, grievances, and appeals.  We have been using some old BND related forms.  Therefore, we felt it would be a good time to update our BND form set.  Member services indicated that the following web address would provide what we were looking for in the name of forms.

BNDLink > “Filing a Complaint, Grievance or Appeal”

Brand New Day Soliciting Feedback

BND aspects of “speaking up and or asking for help”

FYI – Links to Brand New Day Forms
Appeal Form
Grievance Form


Itemizing Resources

Ever since signing on with Brand New Day back in 2012 the consumer has jumped over many hurdles set by BND.  In the process we have identified many resources.  Some are helpful and some are not.  We place BND itself right in the middle.  BND’s CMS Stars scores place them above the middle at 3.5 CMS Stars out of 5.0 CMS Stars.  The theme for this study (complaint) is a Medication Error that resulted and will sustain a Medication GAP.  Again, without the “Insurance’s” intervention the Medication GAP will be sustained.  In the table below we list some of the consumer’s BND centered resources.

Other Routes - Theme – Medication Error
Brand New Day Centered Resources
Some in-network and some out of network


20220706-W: Phone Notes – Medical Board of California A Dead End

We now believe that Brand New Day’s (BND) compliant and appeal processes are now for service year 2022 compromised.  On behalf of Keith “Buster” Torkelson (The Consumer) we have two outstanding complaints about 2022 with BND.  In the past we would get timely responses.  Not so is now the case!  We looked into alternative methods before we involve CMS Medicare.  On July 6, 2022 (W) we called the Medical Board of California (MBC) to test out a resource new to us.  We told them that doctor had no part with our BND issue for he is behaving the same as usual since the consumer signed on with him back in 2018.  The MBC phone rep referred us to the CA Dept. of Managed Healthcare (DMHC). 

20220706-W: DMHC Independent Medical Review (IMR)

The contact information for the DMHC given us is California Dept. of Managed Healthcare (DMHC) @ 888.466.2219.  When we called the DMHC the call rotary said there we 28 callers ahead of us.  They picked “Buster’s” call up at about the one hour point.  Because they told us the initial number of callers we could project ahead and do other tasks while we wait.  We told them “I need help with a complaint” and “A complaint that my health insurance fails to recognize”.  They indicated that we might benefit with an IMG or Independent Medical Review.  We are putting the IMG option on the back burner for a bit.

20220707-TH – Phone Notes – Member Services Resource falls through

We decided that on behalf of the consumer we were not using an up-to-date Brand New Day (BND) form or method.  Thus we opted to call BND Member Services.  We tried three different dialing routes.  First we used the dial pad and put in BND # 1-866-225-4795.  This redirected us elsewhere to something not related to BND.  Then we put in the number in our phone for BND’s Isabel.  The first time using Isabel our call went through and we connected with “Rassy”.  Rassy put us on hold for 12 minutes and 46 seconds.  We said we have a “Medication Issue” for our consumer.  She said she would email the form(s).  The forms didn’t arrive.  Later we dialed a call using the Google Route and their number comes up as that for Isabel.  We are puzzled that the same number could yield difference results.

FYI Brand New Day's Number as offered by CMS Medicare = H0838
Brand New Day’s current CMS Stars Rating is 3.5 of 5.0.


20220708-F@11am – Phone Notes – BND’s John is a good guy

On behalf of the consumer we have tried to work with Brand New Day’s (BND) Member Service many times.  In general Member Services is not very helpful.  This changed when we reached “John”.  We have two outstanding complaints with Brand New Day this service year 2022.  We thought that maybe the old form we were using didn’t contain the up-to-date mailing information.  We asked John about it and he gave us a method to find both complaint and appeal forms.  Marginally this is not an appeal.  We asked John about interference by Bright Health.  He indicated that BND still serves the Medicare clients. 

20220708-F – Expiring Resources

We also asked John about two of our corporate contacts Ali Khalkhali and Constance J “Connie” Snyder.  He says Ali is in high administration and the Constance may have retired.  Maybe the reason behind this problem is that the new hires or those appointed or promoted really don’t know what they are doing.  In the end John said “Call back anytime”.

Figure - From Letter from Constance Snyder (CJS)
Losing those in the know

Professor Gary Zager’s Quote (2011)

“It is hard to get good help for the non-profits”

Appendix - Share of Cost Aspect

About the complaint – Who is the culprit?

We can’t be certain who exactly altered the way Keith “Buster” Torkelson’s most important medication is delivered.  We received no advanced notice by mail or email indicating who is responsible. If we knew who was responsible they might be more accountable.  The GAP promoting change in “Buster’s” CloZApine delivery cycle is something new yet not improved.  Bright Health has been added to Brand New Day’s letterhhead header.  Again, we called BND Member Services and the phone Rep indicated that BND is still managing the Medicare accounts.  “Buster” is what is called Medi-Medi.  For the most part Bight is vindicated.  Then we are back to BND making a change after getting it right for just over ten years.  The table below demonstrates that BND has no share of cost with the consumer’s CloZAPine.  Overall CloZAPine is less than $1.00 per tablet.  All of this is to not save anything across six (6) or less tablets per month.

Associated Study

MSGBase >

From: 10_BMB_Clozapine_Gap_Intervention_22061101_Brief

Figure – CloZAPine Share of Cost Breakdown
May 20, 2022 Statement as provided by mail from Brand New Day.
BND’s Part D Drug Plan appears to be challenged


Share of Cost Table

The table below is just another way to demonstrate that Brand New Day (BND) shares no cost with CloZAPine.  The consumer “Buster” has come to rely on his medically necessary medication CloZAPine.  For more than eight years and up and until this year 2022 the consumer was prescribed a thirty day supply of CloZAPine delivered every twenty-eight (28) days.  Since the plan, BND, shares no-share-of cost the decision to alter processes associated with CloZAPine more likely not driven by BND’s financial concerns.

28 days V 30 days

2 night count = 4 MAX – Note Plan Pays Nothing towards CloZAPine which is the generic for Clozaril.  Note: CloZAPine is not to be confused with any Benzodiazepine such as Clonazepam generic for Klonopin.  We reviewed some medical records finding that in the records they use CloZAPine rather than Clozapine to reduce ambiguity. 


Keith "Buster" Torkelson promotes for Brand New Day out in the community
He is one of the few with the really cool happening BND shirt

We had connections that were helpful and through them we could avoid formal complaints

Example of really promising customer service
Corporate taking time with the small details

For Service Year 2021
This may be the best that Brand New Day ever gets
Alone for this CloZAPine fiasco we drop their Drug Plan at least by 1.0 Star

Brand New Day taking a risk to lose their investment about Buster's health
This is how Buster was when he signed on with BND back in 2012
See there he has a broken nose




Evidence of more personalized service

2022 one of our outstanding complaints
CalOptima is routinely trying to get Buster's business
One of the reasons we stay with BND is that we like Rick M
The Sales person dude

BND's share of cost for CloZAPine = $0.00

Buster's COVID-19 results
Brand New Day offered no free test kits
Buster picked up a few at a conference 

This Test Kit came from CVS
Free of charge

Brand New Day has crumbly pill cutters
So we went to Kaiser and they gave us one free of charge

Practicing for the next Brand New Day mediated CloZAPine GAP

CalOptima Selling their Stuff
Aside - CalOptima gave Buster $50.00 for having his first two COVID vaccines
Brand New Day offered nothing

A pill sorter box should never look like this

Posted at Central City

Probably the most important part saved for last
